Friday, March 22, 2013

Thank You Fans

I would like to say a hearty thank you to all those fans who have downloaded REVENGE OF THE TAKEN this week. It's impressive to stay a #1 for a day. But we're now on 4 days straight as the #1 SciFi book on Amazon. Usually books would start to drop by now, but amazingly it has stayed on top and it's not slowing down yet. I have to admit it's pretty cool to see one of my books at the #1 spot for this long. To be able to say I'm a "best selling author" is not too shabby.

I'd also like to say THE GAME which was just released on 3/13/13 has been so well received that I'm excited to see the journey this book will take. The Virtual Book Tour has been wonderful, and I'd like to thank all the bloggers who've hosted so far, and those that are hosting this week. Follow me on the tour for in-depth interviews, guest articles and great reviews.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I am happy to announce that THE GAME is now available on Kindle and all Kindle Apps. The early reviews of the book and the feedback from readers has been amazing. People are really loving this story, perhaps more than anything I've ever written.

As a writer, there is no better reward than excited readers. I think every time we put fingers to keyboards, we hope to strike that chord that will make people's hearts sing. So far THE GAME has done it and I could not be more excited about this release.

I loved writing the game. I hope you love reading it.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Catching Up to March

It's been a while since I've updated my blog here, but I've been busy writing and editing. So I haven't had as much time to get everyone caught up on things. But March is here, and that means spring is getting oh-so-close to breaking through. I'm very ready for warmer weather.

I'm happy to announce that The Game is done. I've made the final edits, and it should be available any day now. My publisher has it in the formatting stage and that usually doesn't take very long. I'm really excited about this book because it rounded into form really well. And the early readers have loved it.

My publisher has also booked a blog tour in support of The Game and it's official release. I will be spending much of March doing promotion which should be fun. I hope to see some of you on the tour.

I'm also happy to report that the 2nd book in the Humble Walker series (no final title yet) is with the editor for a first read. So we will see how that goes. I took the series in a slightly different direction compared to the first book. But I think the final product is great.