Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Bone Room

It's been a blur, but my new thriller THE BONE ROOM is now available for Kindle and all Kindle Apps. The paperback version should be coming soon. I'm excited to get this book out there, it was a lot of fun writing it. The concept came to me after Heather and I took a day trip up to Alexandria Bay and the Thousand Islands Region. It's an amazingly inspiring place with unique scenery unlike anything else on the planet. Seeing those huge castles and mansions floating out in the middle of the St. Lawrence River on islands not much bigger than the houses themselves was amazing. I'd definitely recommend a trip there sometime to anyone who might be in the region at some point.

I hope everyone enjoys the story. >>> Amazon Link

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Don't Let Bad Reviews Define You

Recently a fellow author I know got very upset by a bad review. It really bothered her to the point where she started to question her talent. She shouldn't, she's very talented. I told her not to let it get to her, to brush it off and carry on. We as writers have to drive past bad reviews as they bark at our cars. We all have a reason we write, but we never write to get bad reviews.

I'm driven on by my fans. All those great reviews really push me on. But, the bad reviews are also good fuel for the fire. Not so much in the sense that I want to prove them wrong or please everyone, but in the sense that they may, hidden in the meanings, offer good advice. Even the seemingly useless bad reviews can lead us to some profound thought or at lease a moment of zen.

Face it, there's no way possible to have everyone love your work. Some people are going to hate it, some are just not going to get it. But that's what it means to be an artist of any kind. Whether you're making music or ticking a canvas with colors, someone is going to hate what you're doing. They have their reasons. They have a personal preference. And that's just a matter of life.

Some people are just going to be haters too, and the more success you have the more haters that will come out of the woodwork. Even the great authors with the big names and Hollywood success have haters. A few years ago before I was a published author, I had another fellow unpublished author, tell me that he used to leave bad reviews to authors to "knock them down a peg"...among other things. I was really amazed because this person was generally intelligent and well-balanced. I couldn't understand why they'd bother to waste their time and energy. I said, why bother, and in general told them it was silly. He didn't really like my attitude over it. Needless to say we don't really have contact with each other anymore. He has since self-published a couple books and has received some very poor reviews. I don't know how he feels about it now.

The point is you're going to get bad reviews. Some will be legitimate critiques, some will be just the garden variety haters, and some will be people who just didn't connect with the story or the characters. But there's no reason to let those things get you down. A real writer will push on in spite of all adversity because they believe they have to keep writing.

I told my friend who was upset about her bad review to look at the whole picture. She had 23 total reviews, and the vast majority are 5 and 4 stars. Just because 2 or 3 people didn't like it doesn't mean a thing. In fact, any author would love to have that ratio. I told her to read the reviews of all her favorite authors, the ones she aspired to be when she started and see how they're doing with reviews. After some perspective she realized I was right, even the great authors have bad reviews. It's just a matter of fact.

So no matter what, keep writing. Never let a bad review define you or your work. I'm personally happy as long as my good reviews outnumber my bad reviews. So far they have and I think most authors feel the same way.

All Sequels Are Not the Same

I'm pleased to announce that RETURN OF THE TAKEN: Humble Walker Book 2, is in the final stages of formatting. I just approved the copy and it should be available for download and on paperback very soon.

Fans of the first Humble Walker book will be happy to know that all the main characters return to take on another adventure. And although the loose ties from book-1 are tied up, it is a completely new story that takes the entire series in new direction. It was a lot of fun to write it.

I was a little bit in the middle of Lostville when I first started it, being as I've never done a sequel before. But as I got into it I started having fun because I realized a sequel does not have to be the same story. I know a lot of sequels are just a continuation of the first story, and that's cool. But when I thought it through I decided that I didn't want to write the same story again. I wanted something totally different so I took a chance and hope my fans will embrace a different direction for Humble, Kat, Dax and Kyle. Because by the end of this book you're going to see just how different things are.

The entire process taught me a great deal about writing sequels, and I'm now looking forward to writing a Book-3 in that series, as well as the sequels for SAVIOR FREQUENCY and THE GAME as well. Of course as many of you know THE GAME was practically two books in one, it was it's own sequel as some people called it.

All in all I think RETURN OF THE TAKEN turned out really well. I will check back in with an official release date.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thank You Fans

I would like to say a hearty thank you to all those fans who have downloaded REVENGE OF THE TAKEN this week. It's impressive to stay a #1 for a day. But we're now on 4 days straight as the #1 SciFi book on Amazon. Usually books would start to drop by now, but amazingly it has stayed on top and it's not slowing down yet. I have to admit it's pretty cool to see one of my books at the #1 spot for this long. To be able to say I'm a "best selling author" is not too shabby.

I'd also like to say THE GAME which was just released on 3/13/13 has been so well received that I'm excited to see the journey this book will take. The Virtual Book Tour has been wonderful, and I'd like to thank all the bloggers who've hosted so far, and those that are hosting this week. Follow me on the tour for in-depth interviews, guest articles and great reviews.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I am happy to announce that THE GAME is now available on Kindle and all Kindle Apps. The early reviews of the book and the feedback from readers has been amazing. People are really loving this story, perhaps more than anything I've ever written.

As a writer, there is no better reward than excited readers. I think every time we put fingers to keyboards, we hope to strike that chord that will make people's hearts sing. So far THE GAME has done it and I could not be more excited about this release.

I loved writing the game. I hope you love reading it.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Catching Up to March

It's been a while since I've updated my blog here, but I've been busy writing and editing. So I haven't had as much time to get everyone caught up on things. But March is here, and that means spring is getting oh-so-close to breaking through. I'm very ready for warmer weather.

I'm happy to announce that The Game is done. I've made the final edits, and it should be available any day now. My publisher has it in the formatting stage and that usually doesn't take very long. I'm really excited about this book because it rounded into form really well. And the early readers have loved it.

My publisher has also booked a blog tour in support of The Game and it's official release. I will be spending much of March doing promotion which should be fun. I hope to see some of you on the tour.

I'm also happy to report that the 2nd book in the Humble Walker series (no final title yet) is with the editor for a first read. So we will see how that goes. I took the series in a slightly different direction compared to the first book. But I think the final product is great.

Monday, January 14, 2013

THE GAME - coming soon


I'm pleased to announce that my 4th novel with Limitless Publishing is officially COMING SOON. It is currently on the fast-track. The cover design has been approved as seen above, and the editor is currently raking through the lines to flush out the things that need flushing. Once I get it back for final edits it will only be a few days after that when the official release date will be announced. So far the beta readers have loved it, and the buzz is really exciting. 

As usual, my publisher has worked with an exceptional cover designer to hammer out another great cover. There is no doubt that Limitless Publishing is putting out some of the best covers in the industry. THE GAME is no exception as people are loving it at every turn. 

So stay tuned with me on Twitter (@shanescollins) and Facebook (Shane Scollins - Author) for the official release date.